Abilities, characteristics, patterns and especially potential can only be inadequately addressed in words.
However, special analysis systems can be used systematically to highlight and differentiate personality aspects.
Moreover, systems can be used to generate fine-grained overviews of the general situation of an organisation when it comes to management and corporate culture.
The results thus obtained provide the basis for staff development, coaching processes and selection decisions, as well as for organisational development activities.
Starting points for test and feedback systems
EP-F management potential test
Your needs
- Do you want to determine potential and suitability for managerial tasks
- Do you want to determine the starting points for targeted training and coaching?
Our offer
The EP-F provides you with a fine-grained analysis of strengths and weaknesses, including the degree of suitability and recommendations for development.
The EP-F system
Over 50% of managerial success depends on personality. The EP-F system explains whether a manager will be accepted, how to proceed and the basis for managerial success.
Unlike processes pertaining to the distribution of characteristics among the general population, such as 16PF or FPI, the EP-F system has been specially developed for managers to produce a fine-grained view of management factors.
DThe profile is based on 9 key factors, divided into 36 sub-factors. The aim is to find the strengths ranging from (ok), (+1) to (+2) on the scale.
The applications of the EP-F procedure
- Staff selection
- Development of potential
- Management development
- Team coaching
Both existing managers and managers in training can be clearly assessed using the EP-F. The results are explained in a feedback discussion, thus rendering the decision transparent. This makes it possible to focus training and to evaluate development activities.
The concept
The development areas
Stronger managerial qualities do not guarantee greater success - in fact, once an optimal value has been reached, the probability of success declines.
Thus this interpretation model does not work according to linear principles, i.e. "the more the better", but helps identify excessive effects. In practice, these will trigger conflicts and sap the energy of the affected parties.
Self-confidence is important, but too much self-confidence will appear arrogant. Interpersonal skills are good, but may cause irritation when used in excess.
The test system thus makes it possible to predict specific conflicts and to provide targeted advice to eliminate such "overheated zones".
If one of the aforementioned characteristics is missing altogether, this constitutes a person's "weak spot" or vulnerable aspect.
Attacks and recurring problems may be expected in this case, as certain requirements have not been recognised and have therefore been insufficiently or incorrectly taken into account.
The values allow for specific predictions, as such "blind spots" pose a risk that a person might react inappropriately to the situation at such points, without being aware of this.
The test makes it possible for such "blind spots" to be detected, thus creating theconditions required to monitor these areas.
An individual with consistent values will come across to others as clear and consistent. However, in some situations, an individual may manifest certain characteristics to a greater or lesser extent.
When an individual's behaviour fluctuates, this will result in irritation and uncertainty on the part of the discussion partner, as the perceived signals will be conflicting. The test measures the tendency to fluctuate, helping to predict the individual's effect on others.
Projection trends
An individual's inclination project his or her own critical views and emotions onto others and to regard them as having negative attitudes can lead to a distorted perception of the situation. This is particularly relevant in conflict situations, as it makes conflicts more likely to escalate and rationalisation more difficult.
The EP-F test allows for a fine-grained assessment of tendencies to project and therefore also how resistant an individual is to intrigues, and how constructive their performance is.
As training, motivating and guiding executives are the essential factors in successfully handling future tasks in the face of international competition, the main goals of human resource management are reliably selecting and systematically developing key managerial staff.
Initial situations and targets
- Internal filling of positions
- External filling of positions
- Clarification of deviations from targets
- Long-term talent searches
- Definition of continuing professional development goals using group profiles
- Planning individual consulting and coaching activities
- Coping with conflict situations
EP-V sales potential
Your needs
- Do you want to identify candidates' and field staff's personal potential and chances of success when it comes to sales?
- Do you want to determine the starting points for targeted training and coaching?
Our offer
Based on the EP-V profile, you will receive an individual suitability and development recommendation.
The meaning of personality as a key factor in sales
Influencing, convincing and acquiring customers is based on the "force vectors" that can be activated and used by members of the sales staff.
On the one hand these may be the driving force to put into practice the company's guidance and support, while on the other hand these may also be factors such as social skills, self-monitoring and charisma.
Personality characteristics and motivational factors play a decisive role, especially in sales. Clients' willingness to be influenced, as well as resonance with and acceptance by the client depend on this.
The EP-V system was developed specifically to analyse sales-specific personality factors. It is based on nine key factors, which are divided into sub-factors. The aim is to find the strengths ranging from (ok), (+1) to (+2) on the scale
The concept
The combination of target characteristics
A prediction of success is only possible if several characteristics are all present to a certain degree.
In other words, in addition to self-confidence, members of the sales staff should also be good negotiators, show initiative, be resilient and demonstrate various other important characteristics to an effective degree.
If these characteristics are insufficiently present, this will leave the staff open to attack, whereas if they are excessive, this might result in conflict situations.
Targets and initial situations
- Internal filling of sales positions
- External filling of sales positions
- Clarification of deviations from targets
- Long-term talent searches
- Definition of further training goals using group profiles
- Planning individual consulting and coaching activities
- Coping with conflict situations
EP-M employee potential
Your needs
- Do you want to clarify and promote the focus on performance and teamwork required for complex tasks and projects?
- Are you looking for staff with a targeted approach within team structures?
Our offer
The EP-M test system provides you with a strength and weakness profile with development recommendations.
The EP-M test system determines the decisive competences on which team success and performance depend. It lays the foundation for the quality of products and services.
Success factors
- Focus on performance
- Communication
- Ability to handle conflicts
- Focus on results
- Ability to work as part of a team
- Focus on the future
- Autonomy
Group profile
A group profile enables the detection of special phenomena within an organisation or organisational unit, thus making it possible to initiate specific steps to bring about change and improvements.
By providing a group evaluation, the test processes also provide an insight into the specific characteristics of a group and the group phenomena. The general strengths and weaknesses of a group become apparent, as do potential excessive tendencies.
It becomes apparent that certain results occur repeatedly and are thus rather typical for the group. For the employees this means that certain tendencies do not only originate in the individual. The longer employees stay with the company, the more visibly they are affected by occupational socialisation via their corporate culture.
Your needs
- Do you want to select the right persons for management and sales positions, based on a clear impression and recognition of their potential?
- Do you want to detect strengths and weaknesses as well as function-specific skills and base your staffing decisions on these?
Our offer
We will plan and organise your assessment so that you receive the most important assessments for the selection decision and subsequent development planning.
The method used for assessments is to use model situations that are relevant for a target task or target position to monitor and evaluate significant participant behaviours regarding the criteria required.
- Extending the grounds for decision-making.
- Rendering the grounds for decision-making transparent and resilient.
The assessment clarifies the following for each participant:
- which strengths and competences have already been developed,
- what potential and aptitude there is
- which deficiencies and weak spots are noticeable,
- which "corrosive" tendencies could trigger conflicts.
A selection decision can thus be taken to determine to what extent individual candidates are suitable for the target position and which development steps would be required.
During the development assessment, the candidates receive feedback about their current competence situation, suggestions for making use of their potential and how they could develop their skills.
- Framework must be appropriate for participants, procedure must be accepted.
- The random sample of tasks must be representative.
- Evaluations must be standardised.
- The cost/benefit ratio must be right
Personal base factors
The aim is to identify the group of "high potentials" correctly and transparently and to provide the others with suggestions on the direction in which they need to move.
Characteristics of personality patterns
Efficiency and economic success, especially when it comes to change processes, are significantly influenced by soft factors (attitudes, motivation, frustration, employee commitment).
In addition to discussions, which tend to make up the subjective, intuitive part, systematic feedback systems ensure that as many aspects of the situation as possible are clearly recognised, making use of substantiated information.
Well-founded data that are easy to verify facilitate correct decision-making. This allows conflict zones and critical aspects to be identified, analysed and addressed.
Moreover, steps can be agreed upon that allow employees to focus on the corporate goals. The application and results of feedback systems constitute a meaningful supplement to change processes by "uploading" the right topics.
Supervisor feedback / 360° and 270° feedback
Your needs
- Do you want to obtain a well-grounded, fine-grained overview of the management culture and management acceptance in your company?
- Do you want to develop strengths and consistently address weak points?
Our Offer
Our system will provide you with an overall programme for implementation and annual assessment.
The idea is to obtain a well-grounded, fine-grained overview of the management culture within your company, to provide feedback on an individual level and to boost development.
The feedback system is used to record the most important management factors of the staff, colleagues, internal/external clients and supervisors, as well as your own assessment. The system is aimed at developing an overall programme based on the introduction and annual follow-ups for evaluation.
Our system will provide you with an overall programme for implementation and annual assessment.
- Phase 1: Preliminary discussion with the supervisor
- Phase 2: Staff introduction
- Phase 3: Phase 3: Performance of survey
- Phase 4: Evaluation and analysis
- Phase 5: Feedback to supervisor
- Phase 6: Supervisor training to prepare for feedback discussions with staff
- Phase 7: Feedback and consultation with staff
Employee survey
Your needs
- Do you want to gauge the expected response before decisions are taken and react to any problems and resistance in advance?
- Do you want to keep your finger on the pulse of your organisation?
Our offer
We will design and perform the survey, present the results and derive steps from the survey. We will develop the survey instrument for you to create a basis for decision-making within a short time, based on a selected sample of employees.
Employee surveys can be used to collect this information about the state of an organisation, the current situation, the improvements already made, the success of development activities and the mood of the employees.
The tools used to survey staff thus make it possible to identify critical zones and to evaluate activities; they also motivate employees to think and discuss important topics and to find their own position.
Our advice will not only provide you with the instrument and evaluation, but also with support during the preparatory and follow-up processes.
- Phase 1: Framework definition: possibilities and target definition
- Phase 2: Survey planning: time schedule and instrument
- Phase 3: Performance of survey: survey and analysis
- Phase 4: Results: presentation and discussion
- Phase 5: Follow-up steps: starting points and implementation planning
- Phase 6: Implementation: feedback on results and implementation of steps
Panel feedback
Your needs
- Do you want to generate quick results for important and critical issues?
- Do you want to implement well-founded and substantiated steps?
- Do you want to monitor how innovations are received?
- Do you want to gain a detailed impression of how events or steps are perceived?
Our offer
We determine the expected response before decisions are taken and point out any problems and resistance in advance.
We give processes closer links to the real world, so that opportunities and risks are detected in good time and the effects of steps and changes can be estimated in an accurate and sophisticated way.
Panel feedback makes it possible rapidly to create a basis for decision-making, using a selected sample of respondents. The panel feedback allows the company to measure and present the state of its own organisation or parts of it in a quick, fine-grained, efficient and representative manner. This is achieved by conducting targeted surveys among a representative sample of employees.
- Phase 1: Panel: selection and adjustment
- Phase 2: Design: standard procedure and interface
- Phase 3: Pilot study implementation: testing and fine-tuning
- Phase 4: Questions and presentation of results
- Phase 5: Application: routine implementation and support