Personality counts - in management, sales and in consulting. It is therefore important to identify a person's inherent potential and to bring it to bear in a focused manner by "profiling".
Your needs
- Do you want to identify your personal skills?
- Do you want to extend your personal abilities in a focused manner?
- Do you want to reorientate while substantial changes are being made?
Our offer
During individual consulting, we initiate specific developments based on comprehensive analysis and joint clarification. We provide impetus and assist individuals and thus the company with further development.
1) Myseld: How I am really
2) Self-Image: How I Believe I Am - How I see myself
3) Foreign image: As others see me
I = privacy
The area in which I am in harmony with myself, but I do not share it with others.
II = Facade, roll
I'm not like that, but I think I'm like that. Other people fall for this "self-expression".
III = "blind spot" / "wound spot"
That's the way I am, but I can not perceive that part of myself, it's hidden from me. Others, however, can see this area. If they are hostile to me, they can hit me at this vulnerable point. On the other hand, there are also capabilities in this area: the abilities and talents that are available but have not yet been recognized by me.
IV = Substance:
That's me, that's how I see myself, and that's how others see me.
Here I seem real, open and authentic
Personal development can be initiated through five basic methods.
On one hand, meditation methods can bring a stronger self-knowledge or complacency. Through meditation, the disturbing influence of the mind, which in general creates "rationalizations" at attempts to gain self-knowledge is reduced.
The second method is to get further in my self-knowledge through feedback from others who describe their impression of me and my behavior. Feedback helps to see things that are otherwise in the area of the "blind spot".
The third method is based on taking on new roles and tasks in order to realize potential.
The fourth method is based on setting oneself personal goals that help in this claim to develop the self.
The fifth method "Profiling" makes sure that I give enough signals to other people, who give them the opportunity to perceive me correctly.
A coaching measure is individually designed, personal training intended to achieve important and effective developments within a short time.
Changes in the approach to tasks, a new, open way of handling people and conflicts and the activation of personal talents make it possible to achieve a significant increase in personal competence.
During personal consulting, we initiate specific developments based on comprehensive analysis and joint clarification.
We do not perform "brainwashing" and indoctrination, but focus on dialogue and confrontation.
We provide impetus and assist individuals and thus the company with further development.
Starting points
- A major career step, a new job, a new task, a new challenge.
- A starting phase in which new responsibilities are taken on.
- A generation change, when the "steering wheel" is handed over.
- A conflict situation that binds forces and resources.
- An orientation situation in which opportunities and risks are to be analysed in order to achieve a clear decision and way ahead.
- If there is feedback that raises questions.
- If a reorientation of the strategy based on restructuring, mergers or acquisitions requires personal repositioning.
- Coming to terms with yourself and a situation.
- Identifying and developing your own strengths.
- Honing your personal profile, improving your own image.
- Removing points of attack, conflict triggers and "red buttons".
- Optimising your personal energy management.
- Identifying potential and talent.
Development topics
Goal clarification
- Requirements of your professional situation
- Strategy clarification
- Implementation of sub-goals
- Motivation and identification with your goals
Clarification of interests and needs
- Aspects of your personal "lifelong dream"
- The basic emotional situation
- Contradictions and conflicts
- Happiness and satisfaction
- Flow and drive
Handling yourself
- Basic personal orientation in difficult situations
- Analysis and optimisation of behavioural patterns
- Balance between various aspects of life
- Improvement in psychosomatic integration
Handling others
- Clarifying your basic attitude towards others
- Feedback on behaviour
- Communication and cooperation patterns
- Closeness and distance
- Structuring and openness
Handling conflicts
- Analysis of conflict structures
- Development of effective strategies for conflict solution
- Optimising personal handling of stress situations
- Solving inner conflicts
Conflicts are frequently stressful and threatening, but they also offer some major opportunities: open conflicts release forces and allow problems to be solved that would otherwise only have led to tension.
Conflicts are also the way to open up new avenues and achieve transformation, but there are also unnecessary, destructive and unwanted conflicts.
It is therefore important to know the various types of conflicts, to master conflict management and to strengthen your own ability to handle conflicts.
Starting points
- Conflicts in the change process
- Latent and hidden conflicts
- Open confrontation
- Deadlocked and difficult situations
- Handling difficult personalities
- Handling your own conflictual tendencies
- Bullying situations
- Solving conflicts of interest, mediation
Causes of conflicts
At the top management level, productive cooperation, the constructive handling of conflicts and the effective contribution of one's own person with one's ideas and visions are of particular importance.
Conflicts and different personalities can be very productive and enriching, but relationships can also be very stressful. Consequently, the possibilities of exchanging ideas, addressing problems or questioning oneself become significantly lower at the upper levels of management.
On the other hand, however, there is often a much stronger desire among people at management level to face change processes.
Feedback and reflection then lead to a new understanding of complex and difficult situations. Options and possible courses of action, from which one's own person and the environment benefit, can thus be shown.
Executive coaching therefore often unlocks crucial personal and organisational potential. It supports the clarification of strategic personal goals and makes it possible to recognise one's own behaviour patterns and to consciously shape one's own approach.
It is especially ambitious executives who typically make use of the coaching possibilities.
We have
- Many years of experience in top management consulting
- Experience in the initiation and realization of change processes
- In-depth experience in industry, banking / insurance and top public administration organizations
- We see ourselves as a sparring partner and impulse generator
Specific focuses
- Leadership coaching
- Strategy coaching
- Transition coaching
- Performance coaching